Once again, November is almost here so it must be NaNo Time! And yes, I'm taking the easy way out (and saving my words for when they count) by simply repeating my opening post from last year.
Same as last year, I'm not going to keep my misery to myself, I plan to share all of my ups and downs. But, in the interest of fair play and so no one is forced to read depressing posts if they don't want to, I will mark each post with a clearly defined scale of joy or misery; success or failure; agony or ecstasy.
See you on November 1st!
Same as last year, I'm not going to keep my misery to myself, I plan to share all of my ups and downs. But, in the interest of fair play and so no one is forced to read depressing posts if they don't want to, I will mark each post with a clearly defined scale of joy or misery; success or failure; agony or ecstasy.
See you on November 1st!

ONE WINE GLASS: One glass is a perfectly respectable reward for the day. It means I made my minimum word count (1,667) and the words did not totally suck or so I will tell myself...repeatedly yet unconvincingly.

TWO WINE GLASSES: This is my reward for a really good (but not great!) writing day. I've met the minimum word count with a little extra to boot and darn it I deserve my treat.

THREE WINE GLASSES: This is reserved for those days when not only have I exceeded the minimum word count but every word is a treasure. I am a genius! My prose is perfection and my story has no plot holes. Needless to say, there probably won't be many of these days but never say never.

THE DREADED EMPTY GLASS: The empty glass means I did not make my word count for the day. . Must I say it out loud? No words, No wine! Yes, I know it is pretty glass but I figure if I'm going to wallow in pity I should allow myself a little beauty to make up for the shame.

THE WHOLE DAMN BOTTLE: Agony or ecstasy, this one is a toss up. Could be I wrote half my novel in a day or I accidentally hit delete and lost the whole thing. You'll just have wait and see.