Day Twenty Seven - OMG! I am so worn out my fingers can barely type this. I did 2354 words today. Three days and 3371 words to go. I can't wait to be finished. I think the story will be good someday when I've recovered enough to start editing. One big problem with it is that while I have lots of scary stuff going on and my protagonist reacts appropriately when it happens, afterwards she just kind of accepts and goes on with her life. If it were me, I'd run screaming out of the house and either never go back or at the very least I'd be telling everyone I saw about it. Oh well, that's what revisions are for - to make your story make sense.
I'm giving myself an arbitrary 'One glass' today - not because I didn't earn more but because I'm too darned tired to enjoy it.
I'm giving myself an arbitrary 'One glass' today - not because I didn't earn more but because I'm too darned tired to enjoy it.