Day Fifteen - A smashing day! I wrote 1769 words and they were all good ones for a change! Also, I figured out several important details about my story that 'should' make it easier going from here to the end of the month. I've also figured out some things about my writing style. I am working in a program called Scrivener. It gives you space to put not only your manuscript but also details about characters, setting and research. There are places to jot down all your notes and ideas for the ongoing story and notes for later in revisions. It is great and I love it but I've found that I really need to take pen to paper when I make notes. I like to have it in front of me on my desk while I work. I need the satisfaction of scratching things out as they get done. Somehow it just isn't the same feeling to delete letters on the screen. I like that marked up piece of paper. It lets me know I've really accomplished something.