Macabre has been defined as ghoulish, ghastly, chilling, gruesome, morbid, deathly, and more. I like to think my stories touch on a little of each of these aspects. I have always enjoyed scary stories even if I had to make them up myself. As a young adult, I discovered the world of Stephen King and was completely enthralled. I've been writing traditional mystery for some time but quite often my stories have gotten darker and touched on more ethereal characters.

A CLASH OF SKULLS Mysterious forces challenge the daughter of a cursed woman when she tries to right the grievous mistake that led to her mother's death.

My short story CLUE won an Honorable Mention from the Sleuthfest 2012 short story contest. It is the tale of a group of feral children at Florida's DisneyWorld and their own grisly version of the game.
Skulls and Skeleton courtesy of:
Image courtesy of
Zombie picture of me and my son courtesy of the amazing Carter Reid:,